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Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your engagement in the Parent Teacher Interview process. This was a valuable opportunity to discuss learning goals for the year. If you are yet to make contact with your child’s teacher, please contact the office to arrange a meeting or phone call.
Curriculum: As you read in our last newsletter, one of our School Improvement Plan goals is the implementation of a consistent evidence-based approach to the teaching of mathematics. Last week I attended Diocesan Professional Learning for leaders presented by an expert in the field; Michael McDowell. His research outlines the benefits of using scaffolding for surface, deep and transfer learning, to empower our students to lead their own inquiry, discover knowledge and construct approaches to solving real-life challenges. Throughout the year, staff will be working on implementing some of Michael’s high-impact strategies in the classroom to increase students’ ownership and confidence in their learning in mathematics.
Activities: This fortnight we began netball lessons for sport with our coach from Netball Australia. This is funded by a Sporting Schools Grant and organised by Mr Knoke. Our Primary students participated in the Enviomentors Incursion. These workshops, titled “Keeping Waterways Clean” focussed on positive strategies to prevent stormwater pollution, learning the difference between sewage and stormwater systems, common pollutants and their environmental implications and a deeper appreciation of the part they play in their local catchment.
Lent: Three key pillars characterise the Lenten season: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (charity).During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting.
While most Catholics are familiar with “no meat on Fridays” during Lent, fasting and abstinence are important components throughout Lent. Modern versions of this could be giving up things like gossip, your favourite coffee order, or forgoing music in the car and replacing it with prayer. Almsgiving reminds us of Jesus’s call to serve and connects us in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need.
Finally, prayer. "Prayer is always alive in our lives, like embers, even when the mouth does not speak, but the heart speaks. Every thought, even apparently “profane” ones, can be permeated by prayer. There is even a prayerful aspect in human intelligence; it is, in fact, a window peering into the mystery: it illuminates the few steps in front of us and then opens up to the entire reality, this reality that precedes it and surpasses it." Pope Francis
Warm Regards,
Shae Lapi-an
Acting Principal
Prime Minister Award
‘Being a steward of creation’, ‘Trying your best’, ‘Speaking with kindness’ and ‘Being a responsible learner’ are some of the qualities that teachers consider when awarding ‘Prime Minister’ at our weekly assembly. It is an acknowledgement of the student’s efforts and they have the privilege of wearing the badge with honour, of suggesting a focus the school can work on, award Gotchas to other students at lunch time as well as earning Gotchas for themselves. Congratulations to Kai McMillan (week 5) and Finn Hryzak (week 6)
MJR Awards
As part of our MJR system ,we acknowledge that the following students, Oliver Hurtrel, Daniel Nash and Sierra Burton who have reached 100 Gotchas; and Olivia Hook who has reached 200 Gotchas! Well Done!
Congratulations to Eleanor Healy and Kaii Macmillan who represented the Manning Region at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival held at Newcastle University. We are so proud of your efforts!
RE News
Save the Date: Holy Week Celebrations Thursday 28th March
* 10:30am Liturgy
* Easter Hat Making - At school during middle session (bring an old hat and craft items)
* 2:40 pm - Easter Hat Parade and Raffle drawn
School Fundraising!
Easter Raffle: We are seeking donations towards our Easter Hampers which will be raffled off at the Easter Hat Parade. Please send in one Easter egg/ chocolate block or Easter chocolate item per family. These can be sent to the school office. Raffle Tickets will be sent home next week.
Paint and Sip: Just two weeks to go! Our Paint and Sip Evening being held 16th March is our major fundraiser for the term. All money raised will go towards upgrading technology used by the students. Please share with family and friends. All are welcome (18+ event).
Tickets are available via this link:
Road Safety Management at St. Joseph’s
Each year we are required to plan for and manage road safety around our school. Safety of students as they travel to and from school each day is important. It is expected that parents/carers, grandparents and family members will support the school through role modelling safe road use behaviours.
These include:
- Using designated footpaths or walking in areas away from the road.
- Holding the children’s hand (for those up to 8 years of age) and actively supervising all children as they walk to and from school.
- Teaching children to Stop, Look, Listen and Think every time they cross the road.
- Walking with children to cross roads. (do not call children across the road)
- Crossing roads away from parked cars.
- Parking correctly in designated areas.
- Getting children in and out of the car on the footpath side.
- Using seatbelt restraints for all passengers prior to driving away. Children under 145 cms should continue using a booster seat. This is a suggested minimum height to use an adult lap/sash seatbelt. Children up to and including 12 yrs of age should sit in the rear seat, even though children 7+ yrs can legally occupy the front seat of a vehicle.
- The rear curb side door is usually the safest door for children to get in and out of a vehicle.
- Children should never be left in a vehicle without supervision.
- Waiting safely at bus stops and waiting until the bus has gone and choosing a safe place to cross.
Children’s University: Want to join in the fun of Children’s University Newcastle? This program is open to children in years 2-6 who love to learn. Students involved in the Children’s University Newcastle (CU) are encouraged to connect with new learning opportunities and discover what educational events/experiences they can do at home, in their local and regional areas. C U acknowledges the learning and counts activities outside of your day to day school work. You get to choose the activities that you would like to do, where, when and how you would like to do them.
All children receive a passport book that is used to record each learning experience and the time taken to complete each opportunity. Children work towards a minimum of 30 hours to be able to join us for a community graduation ceremony in Term 4.
How much does it cost? Annual membership is $30 for new to the program students and $20 for returning students. (paid to the school) There may be additional costs throughout the year but these will be optional activities.
Ms Monkley has sent notes home. Please contact the office if you require a note.
Premier’s Reading Challenge: Registration for the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge is now open! Parents can register their child by following this link:
The first new book update for 2024 has been added to the PRC site, and can be downloaded from the booklists page.
Just over 300 new books are now available for students to read as part of their challenge experience.
ICAS Reminder: We will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competition again this year.
What is ICAS? ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies. (Year 2-6 students)
How to participate in ICAS
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
1. Go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here: (
2. Enter our school’s access code – CTY446
3. Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve quality life outcomes. Every day counts, as regular attendance helps students:
· Develop a sense of belonging
· Develop and maintain friendships
· Be more engaged at school
· Progress with their learning
· Be more aware of career and life options.
Supporting positive school attendance is a shared responsibility - everyone has a role to play in promoting the regular attendance of students.
Learnings from Year 5 so far in 2024….
Delilah – “I’ve been learning about times tables.”
Sharmaine – “I’ve been learning about different subtraction methods in Maths.”
Bella C – “I’ve been learning about Lent and Holy Week in Religion.”
Hallie – “I’ve been learning about how to read aloud fluently in English.”
Savannah – “I’ve been learning about algebra in maths.”
Eleanor – “I’ve been learning about the levelling strategy in Maths.”
Colebee – “I’ve been learning about Lent and Holy Week in Religion.”
Charlotte – “I’ve been learning about narrative writing.”
Ashlea – “I’ve been learning about algebra in maths.”
Kaii – “I’ve been learning about ordering fractions and decimals in Maths.”
Sesi – “I’ve been learning about different descriptive devices to use in writing.”
Matilda Rob – “I’ve been learning about how Lent is a journey in Religion.”
Matilda Ry – “I’ve been learning about how Lent is a spiritual journey in Religion.”
Karlina – “I’ve been learning about how to read aloud fluently in English.”
Arlo – “I’ve been learning about using different strategies for + and – in Maths.”
Sam – “I’ve been learning about how to read aloud fluently in English.”
Asta – “I’ve been learning about Lent and Holy Week in Religion.”
Mackenzie - “I’ve been learning about the structure of a narrative in English.”
Year 7 2025 Open Afternoon
St Clare’s are hosting our Year 7, 2025 Open Afternoon on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 for all prospective students and their parents. Registration will be from 3:45 pm and school tours will commence at 4 pm.
Enrolment forms will be available to collect at the Open Afternoon. We ask that you please return your enrolment form to the school by Friday, 12 April 2024.
If you are unable to attend the Open Afternoon, please collect an enrolment form from the school office after 6 March and ensure it is returned by 12 April with all supporting documentation
Week 6 | 6th March | St Clare's High School Afternoon |
Week 6 | 7th March | St Josephs School tour for Prospective Kindergarten Families 3.30pm |
Week 7 | 14th March | RCIC Sacraments Information afternoon 3.30pm School Hall |
Week 8 | 20-22 March | Year 6 Camp |
Week 9 | 28th March | Holy Week. Easter hat parade |
Week 9 | 29th March | Good Friday |
Week 10 | 1st April | Easter Monday |
Week 11 | 8th April | School Photos |
Week 11 | 11th April | School Cross Country |
12th April | Last day of term 1 |