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Dear Parents and Carers,
Today NAPLAN comes to a close with our Year 3 and Year 5 students completing
the final component of their assessments. NAPLAN is a nationwide assessment of
literacy and numeracy skills and we are so proud of all students for trying their best throughout the four assessments. The results can assist teachers by providing additional information to support their professional judgement about students’ levels of literacy and numeracy attainment and progress.
I was delighted to show a group of families and their children through our school last week for our Kindergarten 2025 tour and information session. We have a wonderful school, and I am always so proud to share it with prospective families. Enrolments are now open, so if you are aware of anyone intending to enrol, encourage them to make contact with the office. We also had a number of students attend the St. Clare’s open afternoon and information session last week. St. Clare’s enrolment forms are due to be returned to our school by the 12th of April.
Fundraising Update: Thank you to everyone who supported our Paint and Sip Evening on Saturday. We had a group of 34 attend the night. Special thanks to Jodie Raison, Sally Gaudron and Mel Hunt for helping on the night. We also had a $50 donation from Coles Wingham to help with our costs. The event raised a total of $1130 which will go towards this year’s fundraising goal of updating student technology.
We are looking forward to having parents and carers join us for our Holy Week Celebrations next Thursday at 1030am. During the Liturgy, each class will present part of the Easter Story through song. Students will bring along an old hat or craft items to make an Easter Hat in class during the day. Parents and carers are then invited to join us for the Easter Hat Parade at 2:40pm. We will draw our Easter Raffle at the conclusion of the parade.
Thank you to the families who have donated items for our Easter Raffle. Please send any items in by this Friday to allow time to bundle them into hampers.
Courtyard Project Update: Work is due to begin on the courtyard and outdoor learning area that is currently fenced off outside Year 4. This will begin on the 12th April so that demolition can take place during the holidays. We are looking forward to watching this space take shape!
Mrs Hunt will return on Wednesday 27th March. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents/cares, students, staff and community for supporting Adam and I while we have been in acting positions. We appreciate your ongoing support.
Warm Regards,
Shae Lapi-an
Prime Minister Award
‘Being a steward of creation’, ‘Trying your best’, ‘Speaking with kindness’ and ‘Being a responsible learner’ are some of the qualities that teachers consider when awarding ‘Prime Minister’ at our weekly assembly. It is an acknowledgement of the student’s efforts and they have the privilege of wearing the badge with honour, of suggesting a focus the school can work on, award Gotchas to other students at lunch time as well as earning Gotchas for themselves. Congratulations to Harley Stewart (week 7) and Mathias Reynolds (week 8)
MJR Awards
As part of our MJR system ,we acknowledge that the following students, Marley Dick and Tiana Pulupaki who have reached 100 Gotchas; and Ryan Borserio who has reached 200 Gotchas Well Done!
This week is Harmony Week! Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. At our school, we celebrated by working together to create some Harmony Week art works to display in our school, to cultivate a sense of belonging for all.
We have had some lovely donations to the school over the past few weeks.
✓ Thank you to Foxx Williams and Belinda Higgins from Anytime Conveyancing
for donating an Easter Hamper for our raffle.
✓ Thank you to Tess Chown, Ben and Alice Raison for donating 20 new liturgical
robes for use at our liturgies.
✓ Thank you to Samuel and Isaac Ungaro for donating some quality picture books.
These are on the Kindergarten book shelf and students are enjoying them daily!
✓ Thank you to Charlotte Hughan for donating caps for students to decorate for the
Easter Hat Parade.
Week 8 | 19th March | St Joseph's Liturgy |
Week 8 | 20-22nd March | Year 6 Camp |
Week 9 | 26th March | DIO Winter Trials |
Week 9 | 28th March | Holy Week Liturgy 10.30am and Hat Parade 2.40pm. |
Week 10 | 1st April | Easter Monday |
Week 11 | 8th April | School Photo Day |
Week 11 | 10th April | School Cross Country |
Week 11 | 12th April | Pupil Free Day |