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Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to those families who have filled out The Tell Them From Me Survey.
Our response rate is currently below 50% and we would love to see as many families as possible complete the survey. I encourage you to take the time to have a say, it should only take 15 minutes.
It provides us with valuable feedback as a school, so we can continue to provide a high-quality Catholic learning environment for our students and continue to improve as a school.
Athletics Carnival
Last Friday our school held the infants and primary athletics carnivals. Our Kinder and Year 1 students had a fabulous morning with Mrs Bridgeman and Mrs Minett and enjoyed many different activities including sack races and egg and spoon races. Years two to six travelled to Taree for their carnival and had a wonderful day participating in the carnival. Thank you to Mr Knoke and all our parents who came along to help with time keeping.
Our students always demonstrate such great sportsmanship on these days which is such a pleasure to witness. Good luck to all our students who will be competing in the Regional Athletics Carnival this Thursday.
Outdoor Learning Area Update
The construction of the deck has started. Our students are extremely excited about being able to use this wonderful new space. Not long now.
Attendance Matters
Sometimes families go on holiday during the school term. If you are planning on your child missing more than 10 days, you are required to fill out an application for extended leave or exemption prior to your child being away. You can access this form from the office.
Winter Appeal
This year our Year 4 students are coordinating our Winter Appeal. Please consider donating blankets, beanies, scarves, and other items that can help others less fortunate than ourselves during these colder months.
Instead of a prayer this week, I leave you with a short bible passage which to reflect on during our Winter appeal.
God Bless
Mel Hunt.
RE News – Week 6 term 2
Year 4 Formation Morning
On Friday 24th May, as part of our school's ongoing commitment to student formation, Year 4 took part in a program dedicated to learning about Service to Others. Year 4 learnt about people who serve in our community, Jesus and his message of being of service to others and how they, as students, can be of service to others in our community. We were so blessed to be joined by Deacon Vince Ryan from St Vincent De Paul Manning Chapter to talk to us about the need for service in our local community and how we can be of service through the St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal. Year 4 are going to put their learning into action by organising the Winter Appeal at our school and we look forward to Year 4 helping to serve our community this winter.
Prime Minister Award
‘Being a steward of creation’, ‘Trying your best’, ‘Speaking with kindness’ and ‘Being a responsible learner’ are some of the qualities that teachers consider when awarding ‘Prime Minister’ at our weekly assembly. It is an acknowledgement of the student’s efforts and they have the privilege of wearing the badge with honour, of suggesting a focus the school can work on, award Gotchas to other students at lunch time as well as earning Gotchas for themselves. Congratulations goes to Juniper Ryan (Week 4), Willow Eijkman (Week 5).
MJR Awards
As part of our MJR system ,we acknowledge that the following students, Finn Atkins has reached 100 Gotchas; Axl Barbour-Williams has reached 200 Gotchas and Susannah Healy has reached 300 Gotchas. Well Done!
Safe Driving and Parking Near School
It is helpful for everyone if you park safely, even if you have to walk further to the school gate. This is a good time to model positive road safety behaviour and physical activity for your child.
Slow down near any crossings around the school. At a supervised crossing, follow the directions of the school crossing supervisor. Crossings help to manage traffic to help primary school children arrive safely at school and when leaving.
Drop your child off and pick them up in designated areas. Calling out to them from across the road is dangerous – they may run to you without checking for traffic. This will help keep all children as safe as possible during the busiest times of the school day.
You should always:
- Park legally
- Avoid dangerous manoeuvers such as U-turns and three-point turns
- Give way to pedestrians, particularly when entering or exiting driveways
- Avoid using the school car park or driveway
- Avoid parking in the school bus bay
- Make sure your child uses the Safety Door (rear kerb-side door) to get in and out of the car.
Dangerous driving behaviour around schools puts children at risk. Please model safe and considerate behaviour for both your child and others – they will learn from you.
Year 1 News......
Year 1 have been learning about place value and how we can build on numbers using the tens and ones units. Using these hand- on materials we have been able to continue consolidating our understanding of teen numbers and counting by tens.
Week 6 | Thursday 6th June | Regional Athletics Carnival |
Week 7 | Monday 10th June | Kings Birthday - Public Holiday |
Week 10 | Friday 5th July | Last day of Term 2 |
Term 3 Week 1 | Monday 22nd July | Pupil Free Day |
Tuesday 23rd July | Students return |
Shianne turned 12 today!
Mackenzie turning 11.
Breanna turning 12.
Aria turning 8.
Oliver turning 8 and
Saul turning 9!
Happy birthday to you all.