St Joseph's Primary School Wingham
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Church Cresent
Wingham NSW 2429

Phone: 02 6553 4774

Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,

The celebration of Mass is an important part of our Catholic Faith and Traditions. It is a time for us to come together to listen to the Gospel and give thanks to God. Last week we celebrated our Beginning Year Mass and induction of our Year 6 students into their leadership roles. Father Kevin spoke to us during his Homily about giving thanks for the things we sometimes take for granted, a valuable lesson for us all. Our Year 6 leaders took part in the ministries of the mass, including reading, prayers of the faithful, the offertory procession and the reflection song at the conclusion of Mass. Thank you to Mrs Lapi-an, Mrs Cleaver and Mr Buchtmann for their preparation of a beautiful celebration.

Building Works Update

The school continues to be bustling with builders on site every day working on improvements to our school.

Over the weekend we moved the final pieces of furniture into our classrooms and the finishing touches are being done.

Last week the shade sail went up over the playground equipment, meaning that our students can use the equipment on hot and sunny days in a sun safe manner.

Today the construction of the roof over the outdoor learning area began and we are looking forward to being able to use this space in all weather conditions.

Tomorrow the installation of our new LED wall in the hall will also begin.

We are extremely excited to share our new spaces with you in the near future.


Enrolments for 2026 now open

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2026 are now open! You can easily complete your enrolment applications online through our school website.

Join us on March 20th for an informative session and a tour of our school. We encourage anyone considering St Joseph’s to attend this event.

Additionally, Year 7 enrolments for 2026 at St Clare’s are also open and can be completed online.

We look forward to welcoming new families to our community!


2025 Pupil Free Days

The Pupil Free Days for 2025 are as follows:

Term 1 Friday 11th April

Term 2 Monday 28th April Friday 4th July

Term 3 Monday 21st July Friday 26th September

Term 4 Thursday 18th December Friday 19th December

This week we will spend some time in classrooms raising awareness of online safety. We all play a role in keeping our children safe when they are online. There are some fantastic resources for parents available at these links.


Please join me in a prayer for our staff as they walk alongside your children this year.

Lord, we pray for the staff at St Joseph’s. That they teach with wisdom, truth, vision, and love. Help them to nurture the unique children they teach each day so that they can thrive in an environment that is safe and respectful and encourages every child to be the best they can be.


God Bless


Mel Hunt