Parents will receive reports on their child’s progress as measured against the new performance standards twice per year, towards the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Parents will also be given opportunities to attend interviews in Term 1 each year for a progress update. Additional opportunities for interviews are available by appointment. 

The school report for Year 1 to 6 will contain information on your child’s achievement in each of the strands for each Key Learning Area using a 5-point scale.



A – Outstanding Achievement

Student has extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge.  In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.

B – High Achievement

Student has thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.  In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.

C – Sound Achievement

Student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.

D – Basic Achievement

Student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills.

E – Limited Achievement

Student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in a few areas of content and has achieved very limited competence in some processes and skills.

Student achievements in Kindergarten are reported on using the following:

  • Above Stage Level
  • At Stage Level
  • Below Stage Level